• Category: Salvation
  • Published: February 21, 2024

"Amazing Grace", This is My Story

I was saved on August 18, 1974.

I was raised Southern Baptist. I attended church from the time I was born. At the age of eight, I went forward to a church service and said that I wanted to be baptized. When the preacher asked me why I wanted to be baptized I said, "Because my brother did, and because Jesus died on the cross." I was baptized at that time, but I was not saved. At the age of 12, I decided that there wasn't any God. I lived an ungodly life and have many sorrows to this day because of it.

Off to Alaska

I met my husband and we married in June 1969, a year later we moved to Alaska from Seattle. We bought the property 30 miles out of Fairbanks, Alaska, in December of 1971. In May of 1972, Brother Gene Seay and his wife, Betty, moved to the end of the road that I lived on and started an Independent Baptist mission work.
     I went back to Seattle to visit family and my Aunt Belle asked me, "Donna, is there a church near you?" Well, I had to admit that, yes, there was a church near me, right on the end of my road, and I had to drive past it every time I went anywhere.
     Betty Seay joined our Homemakers Chub to make contacts in the community, and that's how I got to know her. She reminded me of some of the Christian women that I had known while I was growing up. She told me later that she had invited me to church, and I told her I might come sometime. I don't remember that, though I am sure it is true.

Snapping Green Beans

My sister-in-law sent me a tract about salvation, and I wondered how anyone could believe that. But I was so disturbed about it, that I went and showed it to Betty and asked her, "How could anyone believe that?" I remember that Betty was snapping green beans in preparation for canning. She said, "Well, it takes faith." she put down her green beans and went and got her Bible. She read several scriptures. She always remembered the verses she carefully picked out, but I don't remember any of them. I was crying, and I was embarrassed because of it, but she told me she thought it was normal to cry about things like this. Then she suggested that I come to church the next day.
     They had services in their home at that time as the building was not completed. I didn't even own a dress during this time in my life. I was a little worried about that because when I was young we always wore dresses to church.
     The next day was Sunday, and my husband was a little shocked to hear that I wanted to go to the church services. I put on my best slacks and went. Joan Chace was at the door when I got there. I mentioned that I didn't have a dress and she said that was not a problem at all.
     I really couldn't tell you what the message was bout. All I knew was that I felt bad and felt like crying. I had rejected the church and the Lord long ago. The Lord showed me that I was a sinner by bringing to my mind some things in my life that I had done. At the end of the service, Betty gave me a book to read.

Moose Hunting

My husband and a friend of his had bought a swamp buggy for hunting. It is a truck with huge tires on it for getting out in the woods. they had planned to leave on their hunting trip on Monday, but since they got the swamp buggy all ready, and because they were raring to go, they left a day early. They left that Sunday.

Down on My Knees

That night after I put my daughter to bed, I got out the book that Betty had given me and started to read it. It had a man's testimony in it, and one thing he described was how he had gotten down on his knees and had decided not to get up again until he was saved, so I got down on my knees beside the couch and started to pray. I was determined not to get up until I was saved. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a sinner. I had made a mess of my life, and I wanted to be saved. I prayed, "Lord, I know I am a sinner and that Christ died on the cross for my sins." I knew that I was prating to a rise Churst, an all-powerful, loving God. I didn't have to stay on my knees very long at all. When I turned to the Lord He forgave me, and I no longer felt like crying.

I sang "Amazing Grace" all week long.

I began attending services regularly and learned much about the Lord. Betty was a special friend. She taught me and guided me in the things of the Lord and the study of the Bible.

Being saved doesn't mean there are no troubles, it just means that He is there with you all the way.

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