• Category: Salvation
  • Published: March 1, 2024

My Journey to Salvation and the Pastorate

At the tender age of seven, in the humble confines of a small country Baptist church in Missouri, my life took a transformative turn. Shyness clung to me like a shadow, but deep within, I grappled with a weighty question: Where would I spend eternity? One Sunday, our preacher delivered a powerful salvation message. His words pierced my young heart, and conviction settled in.
     As the invitation hymn played softly, I stepped forward, my small frame trembling. With a kind smile, the pastor asked, “What did you come forward for?” My voice quivered as I replied, “I want to be saved.” In that sacred moment, right there at the altar, the pastor opened his Bible to John 3:16 . The words etched themselves into my soul: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Tears flowed as I confessed my sins and called upon Christ as my savior. The burden was lifted, replaced by an overwhelming peace. I knew I was forgiven, redeemed, and forever changed.
     In obedience to the Lord's command, I was baptized shortly after. The warm water enveloped me, picturing the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. As I emerged from the baptismal pool, I felt a sense of purpose - a calling that one day God would use me. But my teen years took a different path. Wildness crept in, and I strayed from my walk. The ministry seemed distant until my late thirties. I'd serve the Lord, then falter when the weight of it all hit me.

Life took unexpected turns—I married a beautiful brown-eyed blonde, joined the Air Force, and found myself stationed in Germany. Yet, there was a void. My wife didn't know Christ. Circumstances shifted, and we moved to Whiteman Air Force Base in Knobnoster Missouri. One night, while working in my Air Force job, my supervisor asked if I was saved. I hesitated, said Yes, I'm saved but then confessed that my wife wasn't. We then went off base to our apartment, where he shared the Gospel with her. That night, my wife found salvation, and our Christian walk intensified. Equally yoked, we clung to 2 Corinthians 6:14 and embraced the oneness described in Genesis 2:24.
     Years later, we attended Olympia Bible Baptist. It was there that we flourished. The pastor challenged me with the Word and invested in my spiritual growth. After six years of mentoring, I surrendered to the ministry. Today, I pastor Heritage Baptist Church, a role that brings me immense joy. I refuse to move backward; my heart yearns to continually move forward toward Christ. When trials assail me, I cling to Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” And when I need to seek direction, Proverbs 3:5-6 guides my steps. God's goodness sustains me. His grace fuels my ministry. As I stand before my congregation, I remember that shy seven-year-old who stepped forward, seeking salvation.

My testimony echoes through the years - a testament to His unwavering love and transformative power toward us. Indeed, God is so good.

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