• Category: Salvation
  • Published: March 1, 2024

My Salvation Testimony

December 24, 2018, when I was six years old, I announced that I got saved… so I thought. In the past years, I was not acting like I had Jesus in my heart. Mom noticed how hard I was trying to do right, but I couldn't seem to fix things I was working so hard on.
     On Monday, January 29th, Mom, Lasey, and I were talking about something I really wanted to do, but Mom gave me an answer I didn't want to hear. I was not happy with her reply, so I kept arguing to get the answer I wanted. It didn't work.

Out of the middle of nowhere, Mom said, Tali, I don't think you know my Savior as I do. Mom started talking to me about some heart issues I have had. Lasey went to bed and left the conversation because it was getting late.
     When Mom was talking to me she asked me a question that I don't like to talk about, but she asked me if I liked Tali……I told her no, I don't really. She asked, “Why?” I said because I am not a very kind sister or person. So Mom went to get out the Bible to show me some verses in Romans.
     Mom explained to me how I have broken God's law, and that maybe I have not truly repented of my sins against Him. When Mom read Romans 3:19, “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God,” I knew that I was guilty of breaking God's law.

She explained that sin against God has a big price tag, DEATH. I could pay for my sin, or I could trust in what Jesus did on the cross and let His death pay for my sin. Even though I am a sinner, Christ died FOR me. I like Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
     Just after midnight, on January 30th, I knelt by the couch and repented of my sins. Right after I prayed, I felt truly forgiven. I was overwhelmed with joy but also felt I didn't deserve God's grace.

I am so glad I am now truly a child of God!!!

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